Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rhianna A Backstabber?

As most of you know, Rhianna has recently come out with a new single, S&M which has become a huge sensation. While I enjoy the song, the message being sung by her frustrates me and upsets me a bit. Remember this?

Rhianna called cops on Brown after a domestic disturbance the night before the grammy's in '09, an incident which is still being talked about today. You can look at the report yourself here from the LAPD. It appears they were argueing in a vehicle and it escalated when the couple exited the car leaving Rhianna with a battered face.

Brown was scheduled to apologize a few months ago in an interview with Robin, but when pressured Brown lost his cool What do you make of all this? Do you think Rhianna did this and created this scam just to get money, fans and sympathy?